Just wanted to answer a few questions about our free DVD offer for members. Basically, if you are a member of our site and you place a DVD order, then you can select one DVD for Free to be added to your order. You can visit our policy page or DVD section for an explantion as well, I think a few people have been confused. Thanks a lot.
I'm an early bird so I just placed my first order for Vol 1 & 2 and then emailed my request to get vol 3 as my free choice. I figured why not start at the beginning! Now, after the holiday weekend I'll be haunting my mailman until he delivers them. Am I correct in assuming your data-base knows who the members are when placing an order so that there will be no misunderstanding about the free DVD? Thanks for providing a much-needed site for we kissing fans.
Does this mean if I pay for three DVDs, that i would get three dvds on top of my order, since I am currently a member?
-- Edited by mgf at 11:48, 2008-09-18
I'm part of team, KMGE.
KMG Wrote "believe or not, if given the choice, many girls would rather pass on the beds and just do it on the floor, chair, love seat or something different." http://girlongirlscreencaps.blogspot.com/
Yes, each time you order you are allowed one free volume as long as you are a member of the site. It's just a simple way that we're trying to give back to the regular members.
I've been a bit busy with work etc so havent visited in a while. I did enjoy Vol 1, 2 & 3 but not as much as I hoped. Based on the newer scenes I viewed on line I expected much more deep tongue kissing. But on my 2nd viewing I enjoyed them a lot more, especially since all of the girls are so attractive: sexy & cute! So for my 2nd try I ordered the 3 latest which seem to have a lot more deep kissing. (I will try to make it my policy to buy 2, get 1 free). Some of the girls I already know but its nice to find so many newbies too. I have a few questions but will ask them on the appropriate thread, but I am extremely pleased with KissMeGirl! & hope to be around for a long time.