Lets say theres a girl and guy that have a bet on a sports game.The guy losses and owes the girl alot of money he dont have.So he say somthing like what do you want. The girl says your girlfriend (sitting on the couch clueless what is going on.So the guy agrees and tells the girlfriend the news.She does not take it well.The guy leaves and the women tells the girlfriend to come here.She grabs the girl and forces her against the wall and starts kissing and groping the girlfriend all over her body. After a few the girlfriend who is not likeing this grabs the girl and turns her against the wall looking like she might hit her then looks at her and then just starts atacking the girl the same way. Then they can just go wild on eachother. The girl- Ann Marie. The girlfriend-Bree Olson,Brynn Tyler, or Devi Emmerson.