-- Edited by mgf on Saturday 15th of August 2009 06:43:40 AM
-- Edited by mgf on Sunday 16th of August 2009 08:16:41 AM
I'm part of team, KMGE.
KMG Wrote "believe or not, if given the choice, many girls would rather pass on the beds and just do it on the floor, chair, love seat or something different." http://girlongirlscreencaps.blogspot.com/
IS THAT BREE OLSON!!!OMG SHE IS LOOKING GOOD!!! MABY HER AND SARA STONE IN A SCENE TOGETHER? I agree though bring back BREE OLSON SOON!!! P.S. I am counting down the days till a scene with Sara Stone, I am SO looking FOWARD to this scene!!!