I have already mentioned the poor lighting in some parts of the scene of Sinn/Ariel in the New Scenes forum.
I have also noticed that quite a few scenes have the girls kissing in front of a window. I think this is a bad idea as the light from the window is too bright and therefore has glare and results in the detail of the girls being reduced and washed out. It's hard to explain but, for example, if there was a string of saliva between the 2 girls and you shoot that scene in front of a bright window, you will not be able to see this.
Hey, thanks for the input. As far as the windows go, it's a popular way to create backlight and to create an edge light that helps to accent the curves of a girls body, it's long been used in adult scenes. The last two scenes haven't had windows so we're trying to mix it up. We have gotten numerous comments from members who like the windows, so it satifies some and not others. Also some of the darker parts of the Sinn/Ariel scene were for the most part due to the girls just working themselves into a bad spot. I've always preferred when that happens to let them work their way out of it, rather than stop the flow of the scene to have them move. The girls seem to hate being stopped especially if they're into the scene. Lights on cameras are a dreaded thought for cameramen, it creates a spotlight effect and a moving bright light that can be very frustrating. We'll do our best to keep them in the light. But you're right we probably should try to cut back a little on some of the windows, and we have in the past two scenes.
Yep, I've seen other scenes use this technique as well and have never understood why and it does irritate me. If put an object infront of a light bulb or the sun (not recommended), and look at it, the first thing you will do is squint and when you try focus on the object, it will be difficult to find detail as it is dominated by the bright light and the contrast would also appear to make the object darker. Surely it must be better to have all the light from behind but then again I'm not a pro cameraman!
For normal camerawork I can understand that spotlight would not be desirable, but for a porn scene, would it not be more beneficial to have a good lit scene with spotlight, rather than a scene with dark patches, after all, detail is very important in porn?