not that you have get rid of the clip downloads but have an option to download the scenes in their entirety.
i havent tried the mobile clips. are they full the scenes or are they shortened for size and can these be transfered directly to your ipod without having to convert them?
We are thinking of making a fullscreen download available for the new scenes, but the download would only be available for a short time, there is just no way to make every scene available at all times as a fullscreen download, we could not profit. In order to do that we would have to sell the fullscreen downloads individually like VOD sites do, I would rather just make couple of them available monthly so that members could collect over time at no additional charge, plus members can always purchase on DVD as well.
The mobile clips are smaller low res windows media clips for phones that are windows media compatible. We don't mess with the mobile clips any longer because most phones are now powerful enough to actually surf the web with their web browser.