When one woman takes anothers nipple in her mouth and teases it into full erection, for me, thats insanly erotic, especially when the nipples are big(long) Charmane, Bionca, Bamboo, Lilly Tai, Stephanie Swift, Junko, etc.! Most directors gives us only seconds of nipple kissing mostly obscured by poor camera positions.
I was delighted to see Charmane featured on this site, whose fantastic nipples are largely ignored by other directors of her scenes. How excited I was when I discovered this website an read the screen discription of her scenes reffering to her nipples as the best in the Universe!
At last I thought some scene director finally gets it! I could not breathe for my anticipation as I eagerly downloaded both her scenes "On frigging Demand".......well excuse me sorry but KMG you missed the mark! or should I say POINT
Yes those POINTy nipples received no more attention than most other Charmane vanilla videos...FRIGGING INSANE! Opportunity come and gone!
Its like this.... when a girl like Charmane is in a kissing scene I expect a least 2-3mins of intense nipple sucking, nibbling, teasing, flicking , saliva coating (Belleza Video are quite good at this!) Really, is this too much to ask in a 15-20 min video????
Sorry guys but the Charmane scenes are a FAIL, 1 in 100 girls have nipples like Charmane - YOUV'E GOT TO CAPITALIZE and not leave the viewer left wanting more!
You are only about two years to late with your criticism on the scene with Charmane...
NippleFan wrote:
When one woman takes anothers nipple in her mouth and teases it into full erection, for me, thats insanly erotic, especially when the nipples are big(long) Charmane, Bionca, Bamboo, Lilly Tai, Stephanie Swift, Junko, etc.! Most directors gives us only seconds of nipple kissing mostly obscured by poor camera positions.
I was delighted to see Charmane featured on this site, whose fantastic nipples are largely ignored by other directors of her scenes. How excited I was when I discovered this website an read the screen discription of her scenes reffering to her nipples as the best in the Universe!
At last I thought some scene director finally gets it! I could not breathe for my anticipation as I eagerly downloaded both her scenes "On frigging Demand".......well excuse me sorry but KMG you missed the mark! or should I say POINT
Yes those POINTy nipples received no more attention than most other Charmane vanilla videos...FRIGGING INSANE! Opportunity come and gone!
Its like this.... when a girl like Charmane is in a kissing scene I expect a least 2-3mins of intense nipple sucking, nibbling, teasing, flicking , saliva coating (Belleza Video are quite good at this!) Really, is this too much to ask in a 15-20 min video????
Sorry guys but the Charmane scenes are a FAIL, 1 in 100 girls have nipples like Charmane - YOUV'E GOT TO CAPITALIZE and not leave the viewer left wanting more!
lol lol yep two years to late but better late then never lol lol
Why would some one call them selfs "Bamboo" hee larious lollolololololol
I'm part of team, KMGE.
KMG Wrote "believe or not, if given the choice, many girls would rather pass on the beds and just do it on the floor, chair, love seat or something different." http://girlongirlscreencaps.blogspot.com/